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Travel destination in East Nusa Tenggara - Indonesia

East Nusa Tenggara Map - Indonesia

In Indonesia many interesting places that could be a place in the province traveled including this one, East Nusa Tenggara province, located in the southeast Indonesia with its capital city of Kupang in West Timor. The province consists of several regions, among others, Palue, Flores, Sumba, Rote, Alor, Sabu, Komodo Island, Adonara and Solor.

Lake Tiga Warna Kelimutu - NTT Indonesia

Lake Tiga Warna Kelimutu
Exotic lake at the top of the mountain, located on the island of Flores Flores, NTT, Indonesia precisely at Kelimutu National Park Pemo village, sub-Flores, Ende. As the name implies this lake has three different colors, namely, blue, white, and red, but even so the color of the lake is often changing with the passage of time. This Kalimutu District residents believe that the color changes that occur in the water of the lake indicates there will be a great calamity that will befall the local people or the nation.

The uniqueness of this color is what makes the tourists not only from the country itself but from other countries interested in visiting the sights of this one.

Lake Tiga Warna Kelimutu - NTT Indonesia

Kelimutu region has been determined to be the natural conversion of the region on 26 February 1992. In addition to its beauty that makes tourists amazed to see it, three color lake is still trusted by the community has its own legend, according to community confidence in the region's colorful lakes have meaning and the name of each of the first blue commonly referred to as "Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Tiwu" which means a gathering place for young souls who have died. Then the red lake called the "Tiwu Ata Polo" or gathering place for souls who have died, and during his lifetime commit a crime. The latter are white / translucent called "Ata Tiwu Mbupu" which means a gathering place for the souls of the parents who had died. In addition, the local communities also believe that this lake is a sacred lake that is able to provide fertility surrounding area. Therefore, it is often held ceremonies at this lake with the aim to make offerings to the spirits yaang be in this lake.

Lake Tiga Warna Kelimutu - NTT Indonesia

Besides having three color lakes, mountains kelimutu also has flora and fauna is no less interesting that tourists can find plants that are rarely to be found in other regions such as Flores, fir, pine, edelweiss and red wood. For a variety of fauna in the forest, tourists can kelimutu menukan deer, wild boar, partridge, eagle, bird garugiwa (Pachycephala mudigula) and others. Bird garugiwa is one bird that is very unique and different from other birds, because these birds chirping only based on height and chirping in the morning only. As a result of this unique, dubbed garugiwa bird birds Kalimutu spirits by residents.

Lake Tiga Warna Kelimutu - NTT Indonesia

To enjoy and feel the sensation of being at the top of the mountain and see kelimutu exotic beauty of the lake's three colors is a very good time in the morning because of the time of day or evening of the lake and the area covered by mist sufficient blocking our sights.

Nature island of Komodo

Komodo - Ntt Indonesia

These tours offer in the island of Komodo, East Nusa Tenggara district. Komodo Island is the westernmost island of the province of East Nusa Tenggara, which borders with the West Nusa Tenggara. The island is known as the original habitat of the dragons. On this island there is an Indonesian national park was established in 1980. The komodo national park was established with the aim to keep the preservation of dragons. So that in this island, tourists can see giant dragons of ancient animals, not just dragons in this park there are also many plants and animals, and sea creatures.

Komodo - NTT Indonesia

Komodo Island Tourism
On the island there are dragons attractive location that is "hole tablets" which is the entrance and the main tourist areas on the island of Komodo. This location parawisatawan can observe the Komodo dragon, deer, wild pig, bird watching, surfing (Loh Liang - Loh Sebita), climbing (Loh Liang - Mount Ara), dives and snorkelling in the Red Beach. Red Beach is a beach shallow sea that has kakayaan not less attractive to other beaches in Indonesia.

Lasiana Beach
Lasiana beach, beautiful beach with sand paronama and sunset in the evening is located right in the center of the city of Kupang, the largest city in the province, Lasiana beach is quite easy to reach because of its strategic location. Beach Lasiana officially managed by the government around 1970.

Lasiana Beach - East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

Lasiana beach has an area of about 3.5 hectares. Above the beach Lasiana lotar overgrown trees and palm trees and beach Lasiana established lopo-lopo cottage is a traditional cottage timor, this lodge resembles an umbrella with a pillar in the middle, which is made from coconut trees. While the roof can be made of palm leaves, palm fronds, palm, or from weeds. Sometimes also added zinc to make stronger roofs.

Ndana Island
Dana island - East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

Ndana Island is one of the uninhabited islands are located outside the island of NTT, and has an area of ± 13 km. And has a distance of approximately 120 miles from the city of Kupang. Although uninhabited island has the potential of natural resources Ndana  island made in place of conversion deer NTT east by the government precisely in the rock wooded habitat eastern deer (Cervus timorensis) in addition to being a deer conversion east of the island there is also a savanna , height (Phempis acidula), bird nest scattered in 125 caves, aloes wood (Aquilaria moluccensis). ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh), and red lake located in the middle of the island famous for its mythical Ndana two stones are believed Tamanu androgynous men and women and can be moved.

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