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Lombok - Tanjung Bloam Hidden Beauty

Explore the South Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and get some beautiful hidden spot dazzling panorama. One among the many pristine beaches that Cape Bloam that there are inline with Kaliantan beach and Tanjung Ringgit.

Tanjung Bloam is an area that has a turtle conservation habitats around the cliff and is along the coastline that stretches from the northern tip to the southern tip. Moreover, this place has a natural beauty that is still natural because not much visited by tourists. Once in Cape Bloam, you will be treated to a stretch of soft white sand. Blue sea water and very clear. Panorama is occasionally interrupted by fishermen catch fish milling using a wooden boat on the beach.

The attraction is the beauty of Cape Bloam amazing rocks. Two limestone cliff flanking the coast of Cape Bloam exotic. On the left, the cliff-like pastry buns. Being on the right side, the cliff irregularly shaped and protrudes towards the beach. Color yellowish cliffs combined with black color makes it look very contrast with the blue sea water. For the hobbyist photography, Cape Bloam is a place not to be missed. Walk around the beach. With winds that occasionally hit the beach, point your camera to look for the beautiful angle-angle. Natural beauty of the beach and around the more visible if we go up to the hills in the west coast. Panorama Cape Bloam similar to Tanjung Ringgit is also surrounded by rock. From this angle, wide stretch of beach that you can see clearly. Photographed against a backdrop of the coast of Cape Bloam at this altitude will definitely be hard to forget the memories.

Unlike Gili Sunut ramps that have waves, big waves Cape Bloam enough. If you do not want to drift, it is better to relax on the beach while looking at the beautiful scenery. To reach this place, we will spend the 2.5 hours from Mataram. Well, prior to Tanjung Ringgit, turn right. There is a small road that can only be passed one car only. About 500 meters from the corner there is a small marquee sign that we've got to Cape Bloam. Several roads were not paved, dusty and gravel make the Cape Bloam as far out of reach. Over to the location, we will be treated to the barren landscape of this region. Unlike other parts of Lombok abundant water, the road to the Cape Bloam tend arid and barren.

Because the facilities and infrastructure that is rudimentary Cape Bloam, should you stay in around the city of Mataram

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