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Nature tourism parks formerly sangiang Island Nature Reserve with an area of ​​1420.35 Ha.Terdiri of the land area of ​​700.35 hectares and a coastline waters Marine Park area of ​​720 ha.

Located in the Sunda strait 10 km from the coast of Anyer, TWA Sangiang get into Cikoneng Village area, District Anyer, Serang.

According to Schmidt and Ferguson classification, the climate in Sangiang including climate type B with an average rainfall of 1840 mm per year. Wet months occur between bullae August to February, and the dry season usually starts in March and July.

Regional Vegetation arranged in three types of ecosystems consisting of lowland forest ecosystem, coastal forest ecosystems and forest ecosystems brackish. Here there are many sources of fresh water and can be found almost everywhere. Several species of flora found in the region include Sea Pine (Casuarina equisetifolia), sea Dadap (Erythrina variegata), Bayur (Pterospermum javanicum), Ketapang (Terminalia catappa), Nyamplung (Callophyllum inophylum), Api-Api (Avicenia sp), sea ​​hibiscus (Hisbiscus tiliaceus), Walikukun (Actinophora fragrans) and others.

Diverse fauna of this region, most of the population has been protected and well. Animal species that include: monkey (Trachypitechus auratus), Monkey (Macaca fascicularis), Forest Cat (Felis bengalensis), Porcupine (Hystrix
braychura), the swallow (Collocalia vulvanorum), Bird Bluwok (Ibis cinereus), Reef Heron (Egretta sacra), egrets Buffalo (Ardeola speciosa), egrets Iron (Threskiornis aethiopica), Alap-alap (Elanus hypoleucus), pythons (Python reticularis) and others.

Covers, cross-country hiking, shooting, cycling, camping and enjoying the natural scenery sloping beach and the steep coast. Location natural attractions are located in the west, northwest and south of the island and along the coast of Batu Mandi and around Mount Gede.

This activity can be done in sekitarperairan sea, among others, Scuba Diving, Snorkeling, enjoy the beauty of the coral reefs in the marine park with a glass bottom boat, fishing and may be suitable for foreign tourists to leisurely sunbathing on the sandy beach. For fans of Scuba Diving diving activities can be done around the waters of Tanjung Raden, while at Legon Waru can do boating tour.

cultural tourism can be a complement to a visit in Sangiang, after conducting nature tourism and marine tourism. For tourists who are interested in cultural attractions and historical heritage that they can observe the remains of the Second World War, in the form of forts former Japanese defense. The location of this historical relics lying around Pos Navy.

Scientific tour focused on education and research interests include research on coral reefs, mangrove forest and coastal forest ecosystems.

To reach this area can be reached via the Attack with the four wheel drive vehicles towards Cilegon Cilegon to Anyer to village Cikoneng (Manuk Beach), From Manuk Beach fishing boat ride to Sangiang with kl 1 hour long journey.

Closer to Hundreds of Bats in Bat Cave, Sangiang
Hidden behind Forest Sangiang, Banten, Bat Cave became one of the attractive tourist destinations in one of the new province in Indonesia. Thick foliage makes this cave as if isolated from the touch of human hands. Noise bat the main attraction for visitors who are curious to see it closer.

To get to and see the Bat Cave requires extra energy and mental strength. The journey to get to this cave began with a walk from the coast and up the hill. The journey takes approximately 50 minutes duration of Pier Sangiang.

In Sangiang no transport facilities. Heading into the Bat Cave is also advisable to ask the locals or coordinate with the rangers. Lack of direction signs penujuk can make people stray into the forest towards the inside in Sangiang.

The journey can also be reached by motorcycle type of trail. However, visitors must first hire in the area of Anyer. Impassable terrain visitors traverse the coast to form a flat road. After that it will turn into the woods with trails up and down the hill.

Once in the Bat Cave, the first sights seen is a big gaping mouth of the cave. Its diameter is estimated at 50 meters.

As the name implies, the cave is inhabited by hundreds of bats can even reach thousands. It can be seen from the animal identical to the night that flew back and forth in the ceiling of the cave.

At the end of the cave as a visible hole where water ingress. Naturally, if the surface of the cave submerged by seawater. There is one unique from the cave surface terendamnya the shark came to wait on a bat who falls for a meal.

But to see such a rare event that visitors have to wait for the right moment. usually morning to noon in May and August be a good time to see sharks devouring bats that fell from the ceiling in the Bat Cave, Sangiang.



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