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Kolbano Beach - East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

Kolbano Beach - NTT Indonesia

Kolbano beach located in South Central Timor, East Nusa Tenggara Province. In addition to having a beautiful view of the feast for the eyes of the tourists, beach Kolbano also has unique characteristics that rarely has other beaches, coastal stretch of beach is filled with colorful pebbles are very beautiful and unique.

Unique beach gravel colorful. Kolbano is a village on the south coast of the island of Timor, East Nusa Tenggara. Located approximately 130 kilometers from the capital city of Kupang. Geographically, this beautiful beach very close to Australia. Distance Port Kolbano with Kangaroo country is only 147 kilometers away.

Kolbano Beach - NTT Indonesia

Kolbano name is taken from the local language, namely kolhanbano. Col. means bird, han means sound, and bano means bells. According to local stories, on the afternoon of the King Sole find barley plants in his garden damaged by small birds that sound like bells. Since then, he decided to name his country kolhanbano which eventually became Kolbano.

Kolbano Beach - NTT Indonesia

The beach has its own uniqueness Kolbano other than others. Usually a sand beach has white or other colors on the edge, not so with this Kolbano Beach. On the waterfront is dotted gravel soft colors with the size of a little finger to fist.

Kolbano Beach - NTT Indonesia

One more uniqueness of this beach is that you can see the sunrise and sunset from the same place. So it is not surprising that these occupy become a favorite location for photographers who want to hunt these moments. On this beach are also many tourists who picnic on the shore. Especially for those who want a quiet holiday atmosphere and away from urban bustle. While a picnic, you can witness the beauty of the sea.

Kolbano Beach - NTT Indonesia

In the tourist areas Kolbano Beach, tourists can see a historical monument built to commemorate the events Kolbano War between the local community against the Dutch colonialists that occurred in 1907. However, the condition is seen for what it is, there is no government efforts to beautify this historic monument.

Kolbano Beach - NTT Indonesia

Since the 1970s, Kolbano located on the lip of the Indian Ocean renowned as a source of gravel or slippery rocks. The gravel surface is a combination of red, green, yellow, black, some have motives and consists of three colors namely red, black, and beige. Gravel from the beach Kolbano continue mined, especially to meet the demand for gravel decoration, sweeteners large city parks.

Kolbano Beach - NTT Indonesia

To go to the beach there is a flight from Jakarta Kolbano using aircraft with the objective pursued Kupang for approximately 6 hours. Arriving at Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, there are two options you can do: stay overnight in Kupang or directly to the beach Kolbano. However, you are advised to depart at 6:00 pm for a bus that departs from Terminal Kupang just one trip. It takes about 6 hours. If you've arrived at the beach Kolbano you can seek lodging house in homes with rental system or you can stay in South Central East Local Government Mess.


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