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SOLO City (Surakarta) The Spirit of Java

History of Surakarta (Solo) 

History of Surakarta started when Sunan Pakubuwana II ordered Honggowongso and Hero Member Hero Member as well as the commander of the Dutch troops Mangkuyudo JAB Van Hohendorff to find the location of the Capital of the new Islamic Mataram Kingdom, after the capital of Mataram kingdom which is located in Kartosuro damaged by Chinese uprising which was helped by RM Said.

Considering the physical and non-physical factors, finally elected a village on the banks of the Bengawan River village called Sala (1746 1671 M or Java).

Since then the village of Sala turned into Surakarta Sultanate and continues to grow rapidly.

Since the Dutch colonial propaganda, then there solving the central government into two, namely the central government in Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Furthermore, Surakarta was led by PB ​​II (Pakubuwono II). While the Jogjakarta Sultanate led by HB I (Hamengkubuwono I)
It is characterized Through Giyanti Agreement, February 13, 1755. And then Surakarta broken again in 1767 became Kasunanan Salatiga agreement and Mangkunegaran. As part of the agreement RM Said (Mangkunegoro I) and PB II in facilitation (dalangi) by the Dutch colonial.

From a historical fact Surakarta, Surakarta developments in antiquity is strongly influenced by the presence of the central government and Mangkunegaran Kasunanan,

Fortress Vastenburg as the center of the Dutch colonial control Surakarta and Markets Gedhe Hardjonagoro (Thomas Kaarsten) as the center of the city's economy.

Surakarta was founded in 1745, was marked by the construction of the palace started in place of the palace of Mataram in Kartasura destroyed by the Chinese people's uprising against the rule of Pakubuwono (PB) II Kartasura enthroned in 1742. This rebellion even result in PB II fled to Ponorogo , East Java.


Surakarta is a city in Central Java province, Indonesia. The city is also known as Solo, Sala, and Salakarta. The last name is not used anymore.

The east side of the city is impassable river enshrined in one of keroncong, Bengawan Solo. The city was formerly also the seat of the resident, who oversees Surakarta in the early days of independence. Position resident now abolished and replaced by the "governor's aide Surakarta".

Surakarta has beamed motto is an acronym for Clean, Healthy, Neat, and Beautiful. For the purposes of tourism marketing, tourism slogan Solo Solo took the Spirit of Java is expected to build the image of the city of Solo as a center of Javanese culture.

Solo City is located about 65 km northeast of Yogyakarta and 100 km southeast of Semarang. Location city is located in the lowlands (almost 100m above sea level) is flanked to the west of Mount Merapi and Mount Lawu in the east. Farther south lies Sewu Mountains. On the east flows the Solo and the north flowing Kali Pepe which is part of the Solo Watershed.

Solo is sandy soil with a high mineral composition of young volcanic activity as a result of the two volcanoes that have been mentioned above. This composition, coupled with the availability of water is relatively abundant, causing lowland is very good for the cultivation of food crops, vegetables, and industries, such as tobacco and sugar cane. However, since the last 20 years of manufacturing and tourism industry is growing rapidly so many changes land use for industrial activities and residential population.

Administrative boundaries.
Surakarta borders the Karanganyar and Boyolali in the north, Karanganyar and Sukoharjo on the east and west, and Sukoharjo in the south.

The population of the city of Surakarta in 2003 was 552 542 people comprise of 270 721 men and 281 821 women, spread across five districts covering 51 villages. Comparison sex 96.06% which means every 100 females there were 96 males. Dependence rate of 66% of the population. The population in 2003 when compared with the total population of the census of 2000 amounted to 488 834 inhabitants, means within 3 years increased by 83 708 people. Records from 1880 [3] provide a count of the population 124 041 inhabitants.

If the buffer region of Surakarta is also incorporated as a whole (Soloraya - Surakarta + Kartasura Colomadu, Tray, Grogol, Palur), then the extent of 130 km². Its population numbered 850,000 souls.

division of Administrative
Surakarta was divided into five districts. Each sub-district is divided into villages, and each village is divided into villages more or less equivalent to the Rukun Warga.

District in Surakarta:

District Banjarsari
Subdistrict Jebres
Subdistrict Lawiyan (also called Laweyan)
Subdistrict POND Market
Subdistrict Serengan

Surakarta and its suburbs (Kartasura, New Solo, Palur, Colomadu, Tray, Ngemplak) is the area that are integrated with each other. Solo Raya region is unique because of the size of the city of Surakarta themselves are just 44 square kilometers and is surrounded by the cities of the buffer, each approximately half the breadth of the area directly adjacent to the city of Surakarta and form a unity centralized large urban areas.

Travel around Solo: 
Sukuh located at the foot of Mount Lawu (3,200 meters), about 40 km east of Solo

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