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Lombok Tourism - West Nusa Tenggara

Lombok tourist destination

Beauty and Folk Legend Story Waterfall Benang Stokel

The beauty of the waterfall Benang Stokel Pemotoh located in the hamlet, village of Aik Berik, Batu Keliang North, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, this turned out not without legends. Local people believe that the waterfall Yarn is a self-cleaning Stokel Dewi Anjani.

Dewi Anjani is a magical creature that is believed to be the caretaker of Mount Rinjani. According to legend growing, at the time - a certain time Dewi Anjani down from the mountain and then a shower and wash her hair here. That is why, people believe that if you're having problems with hair, bathing in Benang Stokel would be one way out. Eliminate hair loss and menghitamkannya can be done by washing under a waterfall Benang Stokel. In addition, the path Stokel Yarn - Mount Rinjani is also often used by powerful people to seek blessings or salvation by doing the climb to Mount Rinjani or hermitage. In addition, some say if we bathe here, then we will look a year younger. Until now, it is still believed by the public.

Beyond legend, the waterfall tourist area Stokel Yarn very beautiful and cool and soothing. The atmosphere can eliminate fatigue and the mind is clear membua back. The charm of this waterfall comes from the level of the waterfall that is covered by the green leaves as well as the place is surrounded by trees that make the natural nuances clearly felt. The order of the top waterfall called netting, while the second level there are three waterfalls are lined. Location Benang Stokel waterfall is located at an altitude of 552 meters above sea level in the tourist area of Mount Rinjani National Park.

In Sasak language, meaning Stokel Yarn ball of string. The name was given because this waterfall shape that resembles a thread that tied together. To reach this waterfall you can use a private vehicle or hire vehicle two-wheeled or four. Located at 30 km from the city of Mataram to the east, the waterfall can be reached Benang Stokel with a total time of 45 minutes or 25 km to the north of the city of Praya.

If departing from the city of Mataram, we will pass the Narmada - Sedau up to the T-junction Pancor Dao village. Move the vehicle to the northeast to reach a T-junction Teratak Market. Furthermore, turn left towards the north through rural roads.

In addition to the waterfall Benang Stokel, tourist destinations in Central Lombok Aik Bukak, Niagara Mosquito nets and beach Selong Belanak.

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