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Lombok - Typical Food

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Plecing Kangkung

Plecing Kangkung
Plecing Kale, typical cuisine of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, which is usually served with chicken Taliwang.Plecing kale kale consists of boiled and served cold and fresh tomato sauce plus. Rajikan tomato sauce made from cayenne pepper, salt, shrimp paste, and tomato. Kale plecing usually served with vegetables such as bean sprouts addition, long beans, fried peanuts or ointment.
Kale plecing used for cooking is also very distinctive. Unlike the usual spinach plants grown in Java, Lombok is in the form of kale kale water that is usually planted in the river that flows with a certain method to produce large kale with stems and crisp. Kale in this area is very well known, the texture is soft so it does not feel tough although we eat up to the trunk. No wonder the kale into alternative Lombok souvenirs typical of West Nusa Tenggara.

Besides kangkungnya distinctive, delicious plecing also due to the paste used is not arbitrary. Lombok shrimp paste used to Plencing Watercress is Lengkare paste that tastes more savory and sweet. This paste is used to enrich the flavor in the sauce and seasoning plecing ointment.

Plecing Watercress is usually served with a circle. Starting with a large circle above then there is a smaller circle so narrowed down to the top. The purpose of this presentation such as vegetables and sauce that can be seen all of the above. The arrangement is by first putting the kale in a large circle, then on top of it there are bean sprouts, and peanuts, and the latter placed plecing covered peanut sauce. Fried peanuts function to neutralize spicy flavor and balance between kale and Brussels sprouts that have lots of fiber.

Plecing Kale is now sold everywhere. If to Lombok, you'll have no trouble finding this dish.

Ayam Taliwang

Ayam Taliwang

Incomplete your holiday in Lombok if you do not feel Ayam taliwang. Typical food of West Nusa Tenggara is a royal dish which has become the food of the people. Loss if you do not taste it. This dish is usually served with kale Plencing.

Cuisine Chicken Taliwang indeed you can find anywhere, as well as Padang cuisine which is common in other cities. However, did you know that in cooking Ayam taliwang should not be arbitrary? That's why, Ayam taliwang we tasted while on holiday in Lombok always taste better than if you eat elsewhere.

Cooking Ayam taliwang should use chicken instead of chicken. Age chickens were used for the main menu should also not be too old. Chickens as young adults or newly separated with a parent at the age of three or four months is the most suitable to be cooked. The problem is related to a sense of age. Ayam taliwang young people will taste sweeter without seasoning sugary or without process becomes tender.

Ayam taliwang usually cooked with some options that are fried, grilled or baked. Fried and baked, whole chicken is not cut and should not use modern tools such as gas stoves. The seller Ayam taliwang in Lombok usually cook using firewood with first class quality wood like coffee or jackfruit wood. This type of wood gives better aroma and longer flame. If using a gas or charcoal, the resulting scent will be different. When frying, they use the original oil in large quantities by a large fire. For grilled chicken, the other way again. First, chicken fire using a fire of coconut husk then newly burned with charcoal. In this way, Ayam taliwang will have a different scent than directly burned to charcoal.

In addition to the burn and were somewhat tricky to fry, chicken delicacy taliwang also located in the super spicy marinade. Two types of spices used for this dish is "pelecingan" and "glutton". Pelecingan is somewhat spicy condiment made from red chilies and a small, salt, shrimp paste and hazelnut. While the use of coconut milk and a little glutton shrimp paste, fried with chicken that has been cut. This spice it's not too spicy. Lauknya beberoq, in the form of fresh vegetables eggplant, cucumber and red onion chopped and mixed spice tomato sauce. It was said that, if the sauce does not use the original chili Lombok, then taste would be different.

As a typical food Lombok, chicken taliwang also keeps a long history. The cuisine was first introduced by Sultan cook stationed in Lombok Sumbawa in the days of King of Karangasem. This dish became famous thanks to the late Papuq Maknawiyah a chicken rice seller of the village (coral) Taliwang Lombok. Papuq or in the language of Lombok means grandmother sell in the market to finally move Cakranegara selling at home along with the aging age. Once gone, taliwang chicken spice blend is preserved through Taliwang Chicken Eating in shopping complex owned Muhibin Cakranegara Murad that nobody else is a distant relative Maknawiyah. Home eating there since 1966 it became the only stall cock taliwang that time. Now, the chickens eat taliwang have mushroomed in Lombok, both street vendors, the usual stalls to restaurants. Some of them are descendants of chicken seller taliwang Muhibin Murad and also residents of Karang Taliwang. Cook spice blend of Karang Taliwang the decades Ayam taliwang mix is what is believed to have the most delicious taste. No wonder then if the other diners also ordered the spice of Karang Taliwang.

Sate Bulayak

Sate Bulayak

This is the typical food other than chicken Lombok Taliwang very famous. Yes, Sate Bulayak is the culinary offerings that you should try while on holiday in West Nusa Tenggara. This satay is made from beef smeared with herbs served with rice cake Lombok. Delicious!

Bulayak is a kind of rice cake wrapped in palm leaves or palm leaves with elongated shape like a spiral, so to have to open it in a circular motion. Similar to the rice cake, except that Java dishes wrapped in banana leaves. Similarly also with diamond, although different in form as diamond or rectangular. In Sasak language "Bulayak" indeed means "rice cake". For some people, the taste Bulayak much more tender and tasty than a rice cake or rice cake. Palm leaves are what make its aroma and flavor Bulayak agreeably and differentiate with rice cake and rice cake.

Bulayak served with satay beef or offal smeared condiments typical Sasak. Marinade made from roasted peanuts and crushed, then boiled with coconut milk in a dominant number. After it is mixed with other spices such as garlic, coriander, cumin and chilli. Sate is already covered in spices then roasted on coconut shell charcoal. The aroma of satay being burned is what makes the buyer can not wait to devour Sate Bulayak. Once cooked, satay dikucuri put lime juice and chili. How to serve Sate Bulayak also unique. Sellers usually do not provide a fork or spoon so you should enjoy this sate manner satay dipped in seasoning that has been provided. Drinks alloy fitting for Sate Bulayak is coconut ice presented in batoknya without added artificial sweeteners. Aslo!

Anyway, Sate Bulayak spice blend is loaded with chili satay This makes sense not only tasty but also super spicy, like chili flavor is typical of other foods. For those of you who are not accustomed to eating spicy foods is a good idea to not eat too many sauces. Although recognized by many culinary connoisseurs spicy satay Bulayak that is what makes us not want to stop eating until demolished in the last mouthful.

Originally Bulayak satay seller can only be found in Narmada District of West Lombok, but now has spread to various places, especially in the sights

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