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Bali - Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot is a religious tourist spot with a beautiful beach panorama. It consists of two temples each chunk is on the rocks and cliffs jutting into the sea, Tanah Lot looks pretty understated.

The meaning of Pura Tanah Lot is a temple that is above the boulder reef in the middle of the beach. This temple is a place of worship of the god of the sea, it is also what makes this temple is built in a location that is very close to the sea. Tourists are not allowed into the temple building to maintain the sanctity and the sanctity of places of worship.

At high tide, you can see the Tanah Lot Temple as it floats on water. Another case at low tide, under the temple there are small holes like a cave that housed a lot of flat-tailed snake with black stripes yellow. That said, this is a snake temple guards and has a poison 3 times more powerful than cobra. The snakes are relatively docile and will not attack unless disturbed.

The uniqueness of the Tanah Lot is the source of fresh water called Water Pabersih. The source of this water course is a miracle on its own because it is located in the middle of the salt water beaches. According to local residents, sources of fresh water is also the one of the reasons for choosing this beach as a location for the establishment of the Tanah Lot Temple as it is considered as a holy place.

Tanah Lot is about 1 hour from the airport, or about 45 minutes from Kuta Beach which is a popular tourist spot in Bali the other. This tourist spot visited by many, especially in the early evening as the famous sunset views are gorgeous.

The admission price is cheap enough to Tanah Lot can enjoy religious tourism in one place at the same beach in Bali.

History of Land Lot
Tanah Lot is derived from two words 'ground' which means island and 'lot' which means sea. Taken together, both have a sense of 'island in the middle of the sea'. Apart from the origin of the name, this tourist spot also has a story or legend that is believed to be the beginning of the establishment of Pura Tanah Lot.

In the past, there is a spreading Hinduism from Java named Nirartha and wander into the land of Bali. He managed to strengthen the trust of locals, but a village ruler named Bendesa Beraban not like Nirartha presence.

Beraban and his followers tried to evict Nirartha. By Nirartha, wishes will be fulfilled, but first he moved into the middle of a giant slab of stone beach. There, Nirartha continue semedinya. He also threw a shawl she wore out to sea. Shawl was later turned into a black snake with yellow stripes tail flat charge of maintaining the place meditated. The snake can still be seen at Tanah Lot until now.

Seeing Nirartha extraordinary ability, Beraban Mersa amazed. That said, Beraban Nirartha repel the attack and turned into his followers. Then he built two temples for worship of the villagers, a temple on top of the boulder is moved to the middle of the beach, the temple again at the end of the cliff that juts into the sea.

What can be done in Tanah Lot
Although you are not allowed to enter the temple, but there are still other interesting things you can do in Tanah Lot. Here's the summary:

Tanah Lot Bali Souvenir Place

The hunting
What is more interesting than capture the beauty of a place for the photo frame? With a photograph, you can think back to the beauty of Tanah Lot from anywhere.

Prepare your camera. The sunset view at this resort became the object of much-coveted photo amateur and professional photographers. Pura Tanah Lot with reddish twilight background will make you become very beautiful photo to show it off to friends and family back home think.

souvenir hunting
Along the entrance to the Tanah Lot Temple there is an art market that offers a variety of Balinese handicrafts. You can find carved wooden necklaces and bracelets, key chains out of shellfish, ashtray with sand and starfish ornaments and also shirts with diverse Balinese writings.

When shopping at the market this art, you should use your bargaining skills. The price offered initially relatively high, but it is quite possible you can get a more affordable price if it could neutralize properly. Hush, one trick is to use the language at bargain locally, so that traders feel familiar to you.

What's more interesting from Tanah Lot?

Ritual odalan
Odalan is a ritual or ceremony is usually done before the Galungan and Kuningan. On that day, Pura Tanah Lot will be met Hindus who came from all over Bali to worship here.

Towards Location
Tanah Lot located in the Village Beraban, district of Kediri, Tabanan, Bali. To reach this location, the most practical way is to use the services of travel, rent a vehicle or take a taxi. If renting a vehicle, no need to worry about getting lost, there is a lot signpost towards Tanah Lot because of this very popular tourist spot in Bali.

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