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Lombok - Gili Trawangan island

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Lombok - Gili Trawangan island

Gili Trawangan is the most exotic island of Lombok. Her beauty rivaling the beauty of the Caribbean sea. The beauty of the enchanting underwater. Really, you have to make Gili Trawangan as a primary destination when spending time in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

Gili Trawangan there are various ornaments creation of God that you can enjoy. The sand on the beach is very white, the water is too clear, the beach area clean and free of hawkers become the main attraction of Gili Trawangan. You will see how foreign tourists, in particular, casually sunbathing on the beach without being distracted. Shades of blue and green sea will become common sights of your eyes. Lauta indefinitely, beautiful colors. Yes, this is a paradise of Gili Trawangan. We also get to see the fish and coral reef directly from the ship to sail without having to dive.

Lombok - Gili Trawangan island

For those who want to see more clearly underwater riches, the options are snorkeling and diving. Flow quiet beach, makes you linger a carpet of blue coral and various fish beautifully danced. Not only that, the weather was sunny and blue sky alone was not enough to donate beauty of Gili Trawangan. This area is also quite green with a range of spruce, acacia, coconut and a row of thatched houses typical Sasak. Pleasant stroll across the island that has only 2 km long and 1.5 km wide. Travelers only need 2 hours to circumnavigate Gili Trawangan. In addition to the beauty of the island saaat sip a walk, you will meet many natives of this island. Recognized or not, the friendliness of local people is another attraction of Gili Trawangan. So, you do not have to fear getting lost because there are those who will tell the correct route.

Gili Trawangan also kept the charm for anyone who likes the sunrise and sunset. You just need to sit down and enjoy a whole and the rising of the sun. For photography enthusiasts, you should not miss this moment. Sunset will be more beautiful if you look at it from a hill in Gili Trawangan serving incredible scenery. We will see a panoramic view of Bali Strait and Mount Agung in the distance. Golden sunset light will slowly lull Gili Trawangan. Ah, but the island never really slept. At nightfall, we'll see a lot of party night held several cafes seputaran this region. Moreover, when the full moon, the various parties held while enjoying the beauty of the full moon.

Travelers on this beautiful island has many choices of activities. You can try scuba diving, snorkeling, kayaking, surfing and horse riding. Here you can not only dive during the day, some agents also offer diving services dive at night. You will witness the beauty of the sea and coral reefs other than the usual. If you want to see the underwater beauty of the two destinations at the same time, they offer snorkeling from Senggigi to Gili Trawangan or otherwise. Exciting is not it?.

Or for those who do not like the challenge of water sports, you can ride cidomo berkelling island. Cidomo stands Cikar Gig motor which is a typical train of Lombok. Gili Trawangan off limits to motor vehicles. For convenience, tranquility and avoid pollution, tourists are only allowed to ride the bike that much cidomo and leased by the citizens. Gili Trawangan is not merely offers the beauty of the sea. In this place artifacts cannon which are the remnants of the Japanese soldiers who had stopped at the island.

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