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Batu Bolong Temple - Pantai Senggigi Lombok

In this Batu Bolong temple you will feel the beauty of praying in Lombok Senggigi beach Lombok. Called perforated stone for the temple is situated on top of a black stone that has a hole in the middle.

Batu Bolong Temple

The beauty of the Batu Bolong temple is said that brings the impression for Hindus who pray. How not, you will be accompanied by the sound of waves crashing against the reef Batu Bolong temple and sip slowly through ronngga-cavity. Under the shade of the trees and the expanse of blue sky this Senggigi Beach Batu Bolong temple seemed to take his people late in the natural beauty of the creation of the Almighty. The beauty of the Batu Bolong temple is often equated with the Tanah Lot Temple of Bali which is located extends from the shoreline. Batu Bolong temple spiritual atmosphere is compounded by the location of the temple facing the Straits of Lombok and Bali's Mount Agung, the mountain sacred by Hindus. According to the testimony of the people who worship at the temple, although the sound of the waves come and go, but the silence mixed with religious spirit always echoed.

Batu Bolong temple consists of two buildings. The first is the temple that is located under the trees and located near the entrance after down some stairs named Pura Ratu Gede Mas Mecaling. While the second temple was on top of the reef which is about 4 feet are in a position overhanging. Some statues are found in this temple is the statue of Vali, Sugriva, Rama, Lakshmana and dragon statue.

The existence of this Batu Bolong temple has a meaning directly in contact with the tradition of Hindu community lives in Lombok inherited by the Balinese culture. While there are historical-geographical proximity, but local Hindu community still attach meaning tradition in it. Similar meanings to the existing tradition in Bali can be seen from the types of shrines built in this temple. Interestingly, when Eid arrives, Muslims in Lombok will roll in to the beach in front of the temple. They trooped to enjoy chicken curry, rice cake, chicken taliwang and serundeng. This is clear evidence of harmony between Muslims and Hindus who show that they can coexist in harmony. The same harmony we will see if visiting Lingsar in Narmada District of West Lombok.

As well as pretending that exist in Lombok, every visitor is required to comply with several regulations that were required to wear a yellow scarf wrapped around the waist and for women who are menstruating are forbidden to come to this temple. Do not forget to voluntarily donate money to fund the cleanliness and maintenance of this temple.

Batu Bolong temple is not only visited by those who will worship, but also the photography hobbyist. Understandably visited this temple is very beautiful at sunset. When fused with the natural sun, sea sun gilded golden color prepare your camera to capture these precious moments. At nightfall, stars umbrella Batu Bolong temple and Pantai Senggigi waves louder. Bolong stone temple area is quite crowded. Many traders, makann and drinks that are ready to entertain you when hungry and thirsty come.

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