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Lanjukang island - South Sulawesi Indonesia

Lanjukang island - South Sulawesi Indonesia

Lanjukang island located in the District Land End and within 40 kilometers from the city of Makassar in South Sulawesi province. Lanjukang Island which is also located in the Makassar Strait has a beautiful panorama with the blue sea. One of nautical activities that can be done in this small island is snorkeling and diving. In the waters Lanjukang Island coral reefs grow well and is home to many fish.

Lanjukang island - South Sulawesi Indonesia

Lanjukang island inhabited only about 15 heads of households with a population of approximately 50 people. Lanjukang Island is one of the 12 islands that enter Spermonde cluster of islands in the District Land End, about 40 kilometers from the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi Province.

Lanjukang island - South Sulawesi Indonesia

Lanjukang Island also called Lanyukang Island, as it is written clearly on board the territorial government of Makassar City area, located on the waterfront direction of arrival. There is also a call Laccukang. "Lanjukang is derived from the word go on," said Hasan, a resident of the island. Since long ago, he added, the island area of 6 hectares is often a transit point for the rest of the fishermen who were fishing. "They stopped to take a shower and fresh water."

Pulau Lanjukang island - South Sulawesi Indonesia

The position of this island is the most remote and outer. Because of their identity that only the location of transit, there is almost no public facilities that can be found all over Lanjukang. There are no schools, no health center, also other public service facilities. That there is limited mosque and a well of fresh water in the middle of the island, in between the houses. If the well is dry, the residents of the island were forced to bring fresh water from a nearby island, or even of Makassar. So do not expect to also find a cell phone network signal in this place.

Most visitors come to this island is to find quiet in Lanjukang. Views of the azure combined with the vast expanse of white sand. At dusk, sunset views of the sea like a king-nothing bothering. Orange light from the sun to be back to his bed looks very cute bouncing on sea water. A dish that is quite romantic scenery.

Snorkling Pulau Lanjukang island - South Sulawesi Indonesia

When the night reaches the peak, the moon being the only source of illumination. Source lamp lighting the houses of the generator can only compete until 21.00 pm. The rest, moon and star power.

In this Lanjukang island beach, in addition to swimming and enjoying the clean white sand, visitors can also do snorkeling true. Healthy living coral reef in the waters behind Lanjukang. It makes the fish feel at home.

If a visit to the island Lanjukang, it's good to bring more supplies. The surplus can be donated to local residents. If you have a secondhand clothes and books, also can be taken as well. Residents of the island would be happy to receive it. However, before leaving, you also need to know some of the unique facts Lanjukang Island. That said, the community comes from the legion veterans Lanjukang South Sulawesi named Mamma Bora who inhabit this island since 1942.

Lanjukang island Map - South Sulawesi Indonesia

Another fact is the physical shape of the island residents are "dwarf", with a maximum height of 150 centimeters. Physical form is reportedly caused by a strange disease diidap hereditary because citizens island-mawin interbreed. Although slightly different, Lanjukang Island residents are very friendly to visitors. However, if you want to take pictures of them in the form of photos and videos, you should ask permission first.
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