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Maron river
This is a hidden stream that is still preserved.

Maron River - Pacitan East Java Indonesia

Probably most people are less aware about Maron River. Pacitan own citizens even many who do not know. This is because access to get there is not known by many people.

Maron river in the village, District Pringkuku, Pacitan. Maron river flows geared towards Ngiroboyo Beach.

Travel approximately 45 minutes from the city to the village Dersono Pacitan is quite challenging. The entrance to the village of Maron where this river is not difficult, but the asphalt was already much damaged. If you want to get there, you can ride a motorcycle manual rather high to be comfortable and not at risk of broken in the middle of the road.

But it all paid off when he got Maron River. Typically, visitors come to it in the morning and afternoon

Along the right side and left lush with trees and also the waving palm oil plantations. Increasingly in the direction of the beach, the river deeper and more and more palm trees. Distance from the place by ship to destinations around 20-30 minutes, the ship runs quietly and make passengers really enjoy a real vacation.

Maron River empties Ngiroboyo beach clean, beautiful and quiet. This beach if reached riding a motorcycle, then the access is difficult because of the way up and down the hill. If you want to better Ngiroboyo Beach riding a small boat like this from Maron River. Ngiroboyo a small bay waves are not too big, but you still have to be careful because it is located in the southern ocean and the waves potentially dragging visitors.

Maron River - Pacitan East Java Indonesia

At the mouth of the River Maron, there are few visitors that fun swimming and playing body boarding. Do not worry about the abject because there safe and still in the river channels. Uniquely, between the river and the sea are only separated sand is not too wide. Proverbial ya, once traveled two three objects are exceeded.

Maron river is very meaningful to villagers and village Dersono Spring, because it serves as a source of water for life. Therefore, the river is very preserved.

For the promotion of the region and as the entertainment community, every year at this Maron river rowing competitions. Until now been held twice since 2012. The Rowing Competition may be followed by anyone.

Sometimes the audience burst out laughing because participants rowing race collide in fact rarely that plunged into the river. Many tourists both from Pacitan itself or from outside pacitan who watched this race.

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Travel agent - How to know ?

How to know a good travel agent ? 

Consider the following tips.

1. Bonafide
Before planning a holiday, looking for information just as much of a friend or relative for much of the day. If you need to ask for help "google" view testimonials of people who have used this travel agent.

2. Complete
Not all travel agents have an online reservation service to all airlines, hotels or tour operatorlain. By choosing a travel agent complete, the passengers have a greater chance to get the schedule and ticket prices to match. Because sometimes ticket "airlines famous cheap" could have turned out to be relatively more expensive than "airlines are notoriously expensive"

3 Another alternative
Always ask the other alternative, if necessary ask the prices of all airlines flying the route in question. If the direct route is not available, ask an alternate route via another city and how the price of each of the route and what the airlines.

4. Number of contact
Always ask for the name of frontline employees or travel agents who serve or issuing tickets, if necessary, ask the employee phone numbers. This will greatly assist passengers in the event of things that are not expected.

More useful again if passengers have a travel agent and frontline subscription. At the time of urgency, passengers will be helped to get tickets expected and passengers can save time and costs.

Well, one more tips for travelers, make it a habit to plan a trip ahead of time because the ticket will always vary according to the number of passengers were registered. The closer the flight schedule, the passengers were registered certainly more and more and ticket prices will be higher.



Temple of Prambanan Indonesia
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Prambanan temple is one of the famous temple complex in Indonesia and designated by UNESCO as a world heritage site in 1991 in addition to Borobudur. Not the same as Borobudur Temple is a Buddhist temple, Prambanan Temple is a Hindu temple complex.

Temple of Prambanan Indonesia

Nonetheless, both of which are location in Central Java also prove that the ancient Buddhist and Hindu coexist harmoniously. Both of these great temples also be evidence of the progress of human civilization at that time because it was able to build temples with remarkable architecture art without the help of advanced technology.
This tourist spot facing east, but there are four entrances at each cardinal. The main gate of the temple is located in the east. This temple is devoted to Lord Shiva which in Hinduism is known as the god Destroyer.

Temple of Prambanan Indonesia

The main temple in this complex is the temple of Lord Shiva which has 47 meters high. The main temple is flanked by two temples namely Vishnu temple and the temple of Brahma, each as high as 33 meters. The third temple deity is called Trimurti temple. In the Trimurti temple there is a statue of each god. In front of the temple third temple god there are three rides that represent each vehicle gods. Rides Nandi for Shiva, Swan to Lord Vishnu and Garuda to Brahma.

Temple of Prambanan Indonesia

In addition to temples, there are still a lot of other temples in this complex, which Kelir Temple, Temple Apit, Temple Stakes, and ancillary temples. All these temples surround Trimurti temple. For ancillary temples, laying temple is divided into four layers or zones known as the man in the picture of the four castes of Hindu teachings. The outermost layer is intended for prayer sudra caste, deeper layers to the next layer Vaishya and two each for ksatrya and brahmins.

Temple of Prambanan Indonesia

In addition to the various types of the temple, in this tourist place also there is a relief that tells of two phenomenal story of Ramayana Hindu and Krishnayana. Relief is located in the inner wall of the fence surrounding the Trimurti temple. Relief Ramayana tells the story of Rama struggle assisted by Hanuman to seize Shinta, his wife, who was abducted by Ravana. For Krishnayana, relief is about the life journey of Krishna as Awatara or reincarnation of Vishnu.
In the Prambanan temple complex there is a museum shaped joglo.Museum house contains a collection of objects that have been found around the ancient temples such as statues and ancient rocks.

Temple of Prambanan Indonesia

You can walk around an area of 39.8 acres of tourist attractions on foot. This complex courtyard planted with many plants that looked like a large garden. Walk while observing engraving on each temple will certainly make you more amazed at the work of this great. Carving in these temples seemed impossible done by humans during the technology has not evolved in the past.

Temple of Prambanan Indonesia

In this tourist complex has been built many stalls selling souvenirs such as t-shirts Prambanan temple, keychain, necklace, bracelet until miniature temple. Not only souvenir Prambanan, here you can also find miniature and shirts Borobudur.

Temple Prambanan when moonlight

If you want to enjoy Prambanan in different ways, came on the night of the full moon each month at 20:00 to 22:00. At that time, held Ramayana ballet performances on the outdoor stage trine with third background highlighted god temple lamps. Performances on the outdoor stage is only carried out during the dry season, while in the rainy season, the show moved to the location of the covered stage.

Transportation to Prambanan Temple
Prambanan temple is located in the two districts and two provinces at a time that Sleman and Klaten, Central Java. If you want to use public transportation, you can ride the Trans Jogja buses 1A of Jalan Malioboro, Yogyakarta. Travel time to get to the Prambanan Temple is about an hour.

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Parangtritis Beach - Yogyakarta Indonesia

Parangtritis which is located on the coast of the island of Java. Besides well-known for its natural beauty, beaches become one of the mainstay tourist attractions in Yogyakarta
Parangtritis fit visited alone, beloved couple, or family. Waves that swept stretch of black sand gently sloping beach with typical wind gusts will make you endure to enjoy this scenery. Additionally, sunset views are also no less beautiful Kuta Beach in Bali.

Gumuk Desert - Yogyakarta Indonesia

One more interesting than Parangtritis is the presence of gumuk or dune sand around the beach. Gumuk is referred to as the only desert in Southeast Asia. Being here, you will find it was in Africa because of the vast sea of sand and the air is several degrees warmer than the surrounding area.

Parangtritis Beach - Yogyakarta Indonesia

Until now, Parangtritis seemed never run out pesona.Tempat this tour is always visited by tourists from different regions and even countries.

Parangtritis Beach Indonesia

Parangtritis has a vast expanse of sand compared to several popular beaches in Indonesia. If you want to get around the beach, you can walk while enjoying the breeze and the waves at your feet. When you do not want to fatigue walk, you can try to get around the way on horseback. Surely will give you quite a different experience.
If not dare to ride a horse, you can ride a horse or train gig ready around the coast. Up gig feels normal? Then try renting an ATV, a type of motorcycle with four wheels that you can use to get around the coast to the 'desert'. Do not forget to wear glasses to avoid the sand that gets in your eyes.

Sunset Beach - Yogyakarta Indonesia

No one doubts the beauty of the sunset view in Parangtritis. This beach will be crowded at dusk approached. Many travelers have set each camera to get the best picture at sunset.
If you do not want to be photographed, you can sit while enjoying grilled corn and coconut ice being sold at this beach. To be sure, Parangtritis will always be able to enjoy its beauty in any way.

Besides available gift shop, there are many traders who peddle handicrafts around the beach in Jogja. By buying souvenirs they offer, you also help the economy of the population around while getting souvenirs pretty to be distributed to friends later

glide on the beach

Wind beach big plus vast expanse of sand and ramps suitable for flying kites. Parangtritis become one of the favorite locations for kite-flying. Not infrequently these attractions are also used as the host for the kite festival regional and national levels.

Still in the area of Parangtritis, there is a hot spring called Parawedang. This place is unique because although the water that comes out of these springs is hot, but the results of the study, no sulfur or sulfur in it. Take a dip in the swimming baths are believed to treat various skin diseases.

Parangtritis Parangtritis located at KM 28, Yogyakarta, about 30 km from the city center. For transportation to Parangtritis, you can use private vehicles and public transport.
If using your own vehicle, you can take the route of Yogyakarta - Clove - Parangtritis or Yogyakarta - Imogiri - Siluk - Parangtritis.
For public transportation, you can use the bus that departs from the Bus Terminal, Yogyakarta. The bus route majors have Yogyakarta - Parangtritis and you can get off at Parangtritis.



Shortest River In The World - Tamborasi Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia

The Nile is the longest river in the world, lies in the African region with a length of 6650 kilometers.

Then where is the shortest river in the world?
The river is in Tamborasi - Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia.

Tamborasi, thus the name of the river. This river is claimed as the world's shortest river. Only reach 20 meters in length while the width is only about 15 meters.

Shortest River In The World - Tamborasi Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia

The miniature size makes Tamborasi not look like a river, but a lake. But the water flow shows that this is indeed a river. The world's largest encyclopedia site, Wikipedia, also recognizes the note.

Tamborasi River is located in District Tamborasi, Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi province. To achieve these mini river, you can access it by land. The distance is only about 90 meters from the town Kolaka spend time traveling around 1-2 hours.

Shortest River In The World - Tamborasi Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia

The most interesting, though fairly small river is still very beautiful. The water is clear greenish color guaranteed to hypnotize your eyes. Very different from the views of the major rivers in urban areas. You can enjoy a pleasant swim activity. Not only that, shady trees around it makes the air feel cooler and fresher.

Shortest River In The World - Tamborasi Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia

If you are swimming upstream, you will immediately be faced with Tamborasi beach. Here there are more amazing scenery again. Beautiful white sand capable melengekapi natural scenic beauty here. But unlike in the river, the water at the beach Tambora warmer temperatures. Thus you have two choices of water, between fresh and warm.

So if you initiate a holiday to refresh the mind and body, it does not hurt to visit this place. In addition, on the way to the river, you will be presented with a charming view of the marble mountains along the way.
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Orang Utan - Tanjung Puting National Park. Central Kalimantan - Indonesia

Orangutan - Tanjung Puting National Park

In southeast Kotawaringin West, Central Kalimantan, there is a stretch of forest area of 416 thousand hectares which is a region of Tanjung Puting National Park. Although known in the world as a place of sanctuary for orangutans, Tanjung Puting is also an asylum for the other two endemic primate species, namely Proboscis (nasalis larvatus) and Red Leaf Monkey (pesbytis rubicunda), as well as hundreds of other species. Tanjung Puting National Park also has some type of ecosystem that consists of lowland tropical rain forest, dry land forest, freshwater swamp forest, mangrove forest, coastal forest, and secondary forest.
This area is dominated by lowland forest plants like jelutung (Dyera costulata), ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), meranti (Shorea sp.), Keruing (Dipterocarpus sp.), And rattan.

Bekatan & Daun Merah Monkey - Tanjung Puting National Park

Endangered species endemic and protected forests contained in Tanjung Puting National Park include the orangutan (Pongo Satyrus), proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus), red leaf monkey (Presbytis rubicunda rubida), bear (Helarctos malayanus euryspilus), deer (Tragulus klossi javanicus), clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), and cats (Prionailurus bengalensis borneoensis).

Klotok Boat - Tanjung Puting National Park

To achieve the Tanjung Puting National Park, Iskandar Airport in Pangkalan Bun, the capital of West Kotawaringin, you can use the "Klotok" - boat motors that are often found in the rivers of Borneo - or by speedboat. Compared with klotok, of course, a trip by speedboat will take less time. However klotok has another advantage, which can serve as a place to stay during your trip because of the above klotok available equipped with a toilet and electricity.
Klotok originally used as a means of transportation that carry logs from the headwaters to the port. But now with the rise of a trip to Tanjung Puting National Park, klotok much has changed function as a means of transportation and also where to eat and stay tourists. Stay on top of klotok not mean you can have privacy, because you are going to sleep on the top deck klotok. But this means that you can sleep while enjoying the expanse of stars visible in the night sky.

Orangutan - Tanjung Puting National Park

There are three orangutan rehabilitation center in Tanjung Puting National Park, the Cape of Good Hope, cottage Tanggui, and Camp Leakey. In each rehabilitation center, visitors can feed the orangutans are lurking there and feel the warm "welcome" of the orangutan. The most popular place in Tanjung Puting is Camp Leakey. Founded in 1971 by Dr. Birute Galdikas and her former husband Rod Brindamour. The place takes its name from Louis Leakey, a teacher of Dr. Galdikas. Leakey itself is also a teacher of Jane Goodall (who studied chimpanzees) and Dian Fossey (who studied Gorilla).
Spent a few days in Tanjung Puting can make you not want to go because fascinated by the natural beauty of Tanjung Puting National Park.

Tanjung Puting Map - Central Kalimantan Indonesia

Cultural attractions outside the national park:
Cultural attractions outside the Park include Traditional Rowing Competition in May in Pangkalan Bun
The best visiting season: June / September each year.

How to reach:
Jakarta Semarang - Pangkalan Bun (plane) or by ship Semarang (Central Java) - Pangkalan Bun. By land vehicles from Pangkalan Bun to Kumai about 20 minutes (8 km). Furthermore, from Kumai to Tanjung Harapan using klotok for 1.5-2 hours, or Kumai - Natai Galangal for 4-5 hours. Using a fast boat from Kumai - Cape of Good Hope for 0.5 - 1 hour, from Kumai - Camp Leakey for 1.5 to 2 hours, and from Kumai to Natai Galangal for 1.5 to 2 hours.

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Borobudur is one of the wonders of the world are located in Indonesia. The ancient building which was built by the Sailendra dynasty between the years 750-842 AD, many stores the history and mystery in it.

                             BOROBUDUR TEMPLE - INDONESIA
Borobudur Temple building area is 123 x 123 m with a building height of 34.5 m and has 1460 relief, 504 Buddha statues, and 72 stupas. Borobudur has 10 levels. 10 level consists of 6 levels of a square, circular level 3 circular, and a main stupa as a peak. And constructed by using the +/- 55,000 m3 of rock.

From the start beginning to stand up to this moment, Borobudur has become a tourist attraction for families and historical education.

Unique mathematically
Architecture of Borobudur is unique mathematically. Some number of building Borobudur, when added together the numbers will always produce a figure 1. The calculation of the emergence of figure 1 in every Borobudur temple architecture are as follows:

- The number of levels of Borobudur is 10, figures when added together result in a 10: 1 + 0 = 1.

- The number of stupas in arupadhatu which there exist statues: 32 + 24 + 16 + 1 = 73, number 73 when added together result: 10 and as above 1 + 0 = 1.

- The number of sculptures in Borobudur total of 505 pieces. If the figures in it are summed, the result is 5 + 0 + 5 = 10 and also as above 1 + 0 = 1.


Founded amid the ancient lake
Geological facts dikemukaan by researchers stated that around Borobudur are salty water wells only at certain points. It is estimated that Borobudur is a building that was founded amid the ancient lake. Given the peculiarities of the many scientists from abroad came to investigate the mysterious lake with researching various things that exist around like a river Progo and the Elo river.


Construction of the temple
Borobudur is a well-known temple crowds from all over the world. They flocked to seek to know the ins and outs of this building because the 7 wonders of the world are remarkable. However, although many scientists are researching the origins of Borobudur, no one or any source that is able to uncover how this Borobudur temple construction. The emergence of various allegations regarding the construction of the temple which until recently were not known to be true is a big question mark for the public until now.


Architecture owned by the Borobudur Temple is only 1 in the world, namely Borobudur itself. This is the excess of Borobudur which makes it very difficult to predict the manufacturing building. Pyramid owned Borobudur Temple is not the same as the giant pyramids in Egypt or the Pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico. Borobudur pyramid kepunden staircase will never be found or held in any region or country

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Highwall undersea of Papua

Mystery which is amazing by the discovery of a Straight Wall offshore northern part of the island is estimated that there are major building structures similar to "Beteng" (layman: fort) with a length of 110 km with an altitude of 1860 meters and 1700 meters wide.

When viewed closely the structure is more like a "wall" because of its structure extending perfectly straight along the 110 Km.

In comparison with the existing building ...

highest building in the world
Highest Building Comparation in the world
click - zoom

This structure is located on the high seas not far from the capital of Papua, Jayapura. For a while this mysterious invention called Wall or Wall Jayapura Jayapura.

Coordinates stunning castle is seen in the Pacific Ocean, the North part of New Guinea at 1 ° 59'46.9 "S and 141 ° 29'24.6239" E

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Misool island | Jayapura Undersea Wall | Raja Ampat 

Temple of Borobudur | Tempel of Prambanan |


Most tourists visiting Indonesia Until August 2014

Compared tourists from European countries, the number of tourists from the UK are the most widely visited Indonesia. This was disclosed Tourism Marketing Director General of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), Reko Esthy Astuty.

The number of tourists from the United Kingdom to Indonesia in August reached 153 351 people, an increase of 8.37 percent compared to August last year. It is more convincing that the existence of Indonesia in the world tourism promotion event is very important to continue to do. It also achieving the target number of tourists up to a total of 20 million by the end of 2019.

Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy again present at the World Travel Market (WTM), which will be held at the Excel exhibition hall, London, from 3 to 6 November. This exhibition is the second largest tourism fairs in the world.

"WTM London this year celebrates 35 years of the age of the second exhibition of this world, and to be remembered in particular. The Reed Exhibitions as WTM London Organizing Committee of the exhibition opening time extending until 20:00 from 18:00 usual arts attractions and invited participants from different countries," Agustini said Deputy Director of Int'l Promotion for Europe.

Indonesia will take part with displays of art and culture in the form of mask art, sculpture and the art of making traditional Indonesian dances. Indonesia Pavilion also promote Indonesian coffee culture and the promotion of traditional spa.

According Agustini Rahayu, Kemparekraf the theme "Wonderful People" with the philosophy of Indonesian society is a society that uphold and preserve the culture of everyday life until now.



Sea Snake Island - Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

Sea Snake Island - Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

Of the hundreds of species of snakes in the world, species of sea snake bracelet (Laticauda Colubrina) is one of the most powerful snake venom, even more powerful than the King Cobra snake. Even hearing the word snake that most people already shudder of fear, let alone face to face with the snake itself.

Sea Snake Island - Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

But in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, there is an island full of sea snakes. The island is located approximately 500 meters from the beach Oi Caba in District Wera is a small rocky island that is not inhabited by humans. By boat from the beach, the island can be reached in less than 20 minutes.

Sea Snake Island - Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

Snake Island in the middle of the waters of the eastern part of the subdistrict Wera, Bima district of West Nusa Tenggara. The island is located adjacent to two of the mainstay attractions Bima regency, namely Gilibanta and Tolowamba Island.

Sea Snake Island - Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

This snake island by the surrounding community named Nusa Nipa. While residents Ende, Flores dub this island by the name of Nepa Nuca Lale, or a beautiful snake island. Meanwhile, residents of Manggarai give Nuha name Ula Bungan, or sacred snake island. For the people around, snakes on this island is not something to be feared.

Sea Snake Island - Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

These snakes are looking for food in the sea and resting on the island in between the cracks of rocks or hanging on the cliffs, then add to the appeal of this island. Snakes at the Snake Island by locals is a type of sea snake. Anyone knows that sea snakes including poisonous snakes. Judging from its physical characteristics, the snake is shaped like a sea serpent. flat tail like a fish, white color is silver and black shiny. When held not slippery at all as like snakes on the ground. Her skin was rough with fins like a fish. Although wild life, they are very docile and friendly to visitors. When held they did not bite or twisted.

Sea Snake

Since the island snake began to be known and visited, the people around getting sustenance with a guide and rent boats to the island. Surrounding communities who come to the island was not afraid at all to touch the snakes. They even casually put his hand into the crevices of the rock cliffs to take the snake is hiding. Sea snakes on the island is also even went up against when called. Even so, visitors from other regions can not touch any snakes so got to the island. Reportedly, the snake on the island must first be held by local people, if not get bitten by the snake. To hold snakes do not need to grip tightly, just let the snakes around in your hands.

Sea Snake Island - Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

According to local folklore, snake island is actually a Portuguese merchant ship curse. The crew turned into a sea serpent while the ship turned into a Cambodian island and two trees on the island is a ship mast. Therefore, visitors are prohibited from carrying away the snakes from the island, as it can be disastrous.

Sea snakes are not aggressive as it includes kebanyak other snake species. But if the visitors are expected to visit the island snake cautious step, because the snake can bite surprised when stepped on to defend himself. Each year there are some fishermen who terpatuk sea serpent snake when I want to get rid of nets.

Sea Snake Island - Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

If a visit to the island of snakes, but can "play" with the snake on the island, visitors can also see the sights of Mount Sangiang who stand strong in the distance with its peak crowned fog as well as some beautiful coral islands around the island snake.


WAVE Plengkung Beach - Paradise for Surfers. Banyuwangi Indonesia

Want to surf ? 


Some beaches in Indonesia is famous paradise for surfers. Call it the beach - there is Bali's beaches, surf Bono in Kampar River and other beaches. But in addition to the names in addition there is a beach in Banyuwangi which is not less challenging waves.


The beach is famous in the eyes of foreign surfers. Name beaches are Plengkung or better known as the G-Land are located in the National Park Alas Purwo, Banyuwangi, East Java.
Location beach Plengkung or G-Land in the southeastern part of Java Island can be reached during the half-day road trip. Plengkung beach can also be reached by boat rented from Bali.


The waves No. 2 After Hawaii
The waves in this Plengkung is second only to Hawaii and that has waves continuously throughout the year. For surfers, the month from July to September is the best time to visit the beach G-Land. At that time, the waves at this beach is good-good. Waves at the beach is divided into three levels, namely Kong Waves (wave height reaches 6-8 meters), Speedis Waves (5-6 m), and Many Track Waves (3-4 m). Not surprisingly, because the waves are so challenging, in this place ever hosted international surfing competitions Quicksilver Pro Surfing Championship in 1995, 1996, and 1997.


For G-Landnya designation was given by the inventor for this region resembles the letter G when viewed from above, it happened when it was first discovered, the inventor was on his way to fly by plane above the G-Land. In addition, the name G-Land is also indicated from Grajagan word, which is the name of a bay.

While the first to popularize beach and waves at the beach Plengkung is Bob Laverty and Bill Boyum in 1972. Then they set up a surf camp there and eventually widely recognized world-class surfers from various countries. Next, Bobby Radiasa a surfer from Bali, developing surf campdan manage it until today.


Plengkung beach is great for surfing in addition also has a combination of three colors. Coastal G-Land has a combination of three colors, namely white, blue, and green. The scene will be seen from the sea. It was a different scene from Bali or Hawaii. If Hawaii and Bali, the beach behind the buildings. However, G-Land is motivated by the green forest.

Plengkung beach located in the southeastern part of the island of Java, is in the group of the southern coast of Java, which deal directly with the Indian Ocean, so the beach Plengkung including large wavy beach. The large waves generated by low-pressure system coming from the south (Antarctica). Plengkung beach is also located on the east side of the bay Grajagan, then from the right side of the beach Plengkung have more dominant waves. Long waves Plengkung elongated shape, height, and high speed. Plengkung beach waves also form an almost perfect wave tube so that a favorite surfing sports enthusiast.

Offshore wind which blows in Plengkung occurred between April and September. This causes most large waves occurred in these months. At these times the waves come in stages, each lasting for several days, with a span of a few days in between each wave. Waves tend to be bigger and better at high tide, so the best time to plan a surf trip is a week after the full moon or new moon, because in these times of high waves occur during a half-day.

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